Our Work

Powered by Immersaview Warp, the projection screen element of the Red Zones were implemented using a mixture of curved and flat surfaces

Griffith University, one of Australia’s leading universities, set out to create engaging visitor experience centers at their Nathan and Gold Coast campuses, or as they call them “Red Zones”. These visitor experience centers offer visitors an interactive way to experience what the university has to offer, and act as flagship buildings for Griffith University. In partnership with Videopro and powered by Immersaview Warp, the projection screen element of the centers was implemented using a mixture of curved and flat surfaces, with Warp allowing for the content to be accurately warped to the exact surface style it was being projected on.

Company Snapshot

  • Founded 1971
  • Chancellor Henry Smerdon
  • Industry Tertiary Education
  • Operations Public University
  • Students 44,468 (2014)
  • Campuses Gold Coast, Logan, Nathan, My Gravatt and South Bank
  • Motto Know more. Do more.

The Challenge

To create an immersive projection display surface allowing visitors to participate in interactive displays on what the university has to offer

The challenge facing Griffith was to create an immersive projection display surface allowing visitors to participate in interactive displays on what the university has to offer. The red zones also doubles as a space for students to utilize the technology as part of their learning.

The Solution

Two projection surfaces with multiple projectors and complex geometry were achieved using ImmersaView WARP

The red zones were broken down into multiple interactive surfaces with different shapes and content throughout. The first was a 5 by 3 meter 3D animation experience with a 157 degree field of view. Achieved with four high brightness projectors and motion sensor technology to allow for user input. A 6 meter wave wall was also installed with three high brightness projectors, partnered with a Microsoft Kinect cameras to allow for student interaction. These two projection surfaces with multiple projectors and complex geometry were achieved using ImmersaView Warp, which allowed for the projectors to be blended into one seamless image and maintaining correct geometry of the content. The Red Zones also feature large Microtile touch walls and augmented reality sandboxes, allowing students and visitors at both the Griffith and Nathan campuses to experience a more interactive display of what the university has to offer.

Technical Specifications

  • Custom 3 meter high fiberglass dome
  • 3 x Lipstick cameras
  • Barco high brightness projectors
  • ImmersaView Warp
  • Christie Microtile touch screens
  • Microsoft Kinect 3D Cameras

The Results

One of the most engaging university visitor experience centers. Made possible by ImmersaView's advanced display software.

Powered by ImmersaView Warp, Griffith University were able to achieve the ultimate engaging and interactive visitor experience center utilizing curved screens and advanced geometry that are normally unachievable.

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